For this reason, on women's day at cti soluciones we recognize the value, work and contributions of women in the business world. It is proven: companies in which women occupy management positions are more profitable than those that lack a female presence, according to a study by the b2c email list institute for international economics and the ey study this way, the report specifies that a profitable company with 30% of women in senior management positions can increase its net profit margin up to 1 percentage point more than those with the same characteristics in which there are no women in senior positions. The report has also studied the impact of female leadership in profitable and unprofitable b2c email list and concludes that companies that bet on women in management positions increase their net profits by up to six percentage points.
There is more evidence that executive women bring benefits to companies. A study by the international finance corporation corroborates thisthrough case studies in b2c email list from brazil, chile, kenya, thailand, ukraine and vietman, and this only as far as numbers are concerned. Taking into account other aspects, such as human resources b2c email list or productivity, women enrich companies with values, new points of view or problem solving. The academic coordinator of the master in human resources management at upf barcelona school of management, yolanda portolés, details in b2c email list interviewthe beneficial contributions made by women with senior positions in companies, highlighting, for example, the communicative capacity of the female gender, which allows better addressing sensitive issues and problem solving or empathy.
Other sources point out that women increase the diversity of skills and abilities in an organization and even improve the work environment, which b2c email list lead to better relations between employees and therefore an improvement in the work environment, which after all translates into greater productivity. And to sample, a button, because there have been many businesswomen who have succeeded throughout history and continue to do so today: coco chanel: considered one of the hundred most influential people of the 20th century, chanel forever revolutionized women's fashion, but she was also able to create a business empire that still endures today and is highly respected in the sector. Madame cj walker : born in the united states of the 19th century, she suffered from double discrimination: being a woman and being black. And yet, b2c email list is considered the first 'self-made' american woman, as she managed to become a millionaire thanks to a cosmetics company aimed at black girls founded by herself.