Despite the compelling Brother cell phone list benefits of storytelling, only 10% of marketers are currently engaged in full-fledged brand storytelling. However, according to Sky word's 2017 Inside the Content Marketing Continuum research report, that Brother cell phone list rises to 52% when you just look at the top buying email lists of executive content marketers today. Storytelling goes hand in hand with content marketing success and offers brands golden Brother cell phone list potential. Visionary storytellers give us an early look at how to bring transformative storytelling to brands and audiences.
As Western Governors University Public Brother cell phone list Relations Content Manager Chris Mumford explained, "[Our] vision allows us to connect with our audiences authentically and emotionally. It gives us the opportunity to transform the traditional Brother cell phone list role of marketing into buying email lists Something close to the act of service: we want to deliver value to everyone who reads our content, not just those who will graduate with us, so team Brother cell phone list members are driven by cause rather than result, I think the difference is in our content ." When the Brother cell phone list audience feels like they're being served that way.
They're more likely to reward brands with Brother cell phone list long-term loyalty, just as communities rewarded their well-respected storytellers for buying email lists thousands of years ago. Storytelling creates lasting relationships rather than transactional Brother cell phone list impressions, inspiring trust and breaking down barriers between brands and audiences by harnessing the immense emotional power of the values they share. Although storytelling is a very old practice Brother cell phone list with ancient evolutionary origins, it presents new opportunities to innovate for Brother cell phone list marketers and content creators looking to make an impact in our digital age.