Keep it simple Don't feel guilty about having a good time and don't try to force yourself to study 10 hours a day. Christmas holidays are a great opportunity to recharge your batteries. You really ne that free time to be with your family, meet up with friends, and just indulge in the daily pleasures. Natalya Sokova , head of innovative projects in ucation, Business Academy B1, agrees with the change in the structure of demand : “The portrait of an MBA program participant is changing. Now this is most likely an employee who has gone through not a horizontal, but a sharp vertical movement within the company.
Who has very little time to adapt to a new career height. Very often whatsapp mobile number list he does not have a "mentor" in the company of senior managers, and he is forc to build his new role within the company on his own. often “unvoic” request of the participant to the MBA program: “ help me figure out what and how to do, and at the same time not look like a “newbie” among my own ””. 2. Accounting for new business challenges According to Vasily Solodkov , director of the HSE Banking Institute , “New business problems have emerg relat to logistical changes, the ne for structural transformation, and ESG tasks.
The departure of Western companies from the Russian Feration also had an impact on the labor market, since after that new directions of development with accompanying contacts began to appear.” MBA programs have been modifi and supplement with new materials. The content of individual disciplines has chang, new items have appear. For example, the Higher School of Economics and Public Administration of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration introduc “Systemic idea management in a company: foresight”, “Agile-bas management technology.