Helping users to users locate a structure directly via instant messaging is a significant opportunity for connected brands looking for traffic and innovation. A feature certainly preceding many others, Twitter doing more and more to facilitate exchanges between customers and (e-)merchants, and thus increasingly digitize the customer experience and standardize its journey . At Powertrafic, these are themes that are just as important to us! If you want to operate a strategy on Twitter, whether it is Community.
Management or thoughtful and targeted advertising , do not hesitate to call on our experts, who will know how to help you in exploiting all the opportunities of the network.E-commerce fax list continues to grow in the consumption habits of the French. But at a time when social networks are taking more and more space in their daily lives, wouldn't the future of e-commerce be in Social Commerce? Because yes, social networks are conducive to e-commerce. Their development goes in this direction anyway. So what are you waiting for to get started? Why are social networks conducive to e-commerce.
A showcase that influences users Social networks offer you a certain visibility on the Internet, with a large audience. The formats, advertising or not, to highlight your offer are more and more creative and attractive. On Facebook, for example, you have the choice between the carousel, the slideshow, the Canva and even soon the Facebook Collection mobile advertising format . Pinterest and Instagram also work wonders for showcasing your products in their best light. But it is ultimately Facebook that currently influences users the most to make a purchase. Innovative tools to boost Social Commerce If users decide to buy products or services via social networks, it is because the terrain is conducive to this.